
2022-05-30 00:00

? 人氣


[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

Its founding documents include the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which enshrined concepts like self-determination, sovereignty, the peaceful settlement of disputes.  These are not Western constructs.  They are reflections of the world’s shared aspirations. In the decades since, despite daunting challenges and despite the gap between our ideals and some of the results we’ve achieved, the countries of the world have avoided another world war and armed conflict between nuclear powers.  We’ve built a global economy that lifted billions of people out of poverty.  We’ve advanced human rights as never before.


Now, as we look to the future, we want not just to sustain the international order that made so much of that progress possible, but to modernize it, to make sure that it represents the interests, the values, the hopes of all nations, big and small, from every region;and furthermore, that it can meet the challenges that we face now and will face in the future, many of which are beyond what the world could have imagined seven decades ago. But that outcome is not guaranteed because the foundations of the international order are under serious and sustained challenge.




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