
2022-05-30 00:00

? 人氣

即使在我們投資、結盟與競爭的同時,我們也會在利益相互一致的領域與北京合作。為了我們人民與全世界的福祉,我們不能讓造成我們分裂的分歧阻止我們在需要共同努力的優先事項上取得進展。這將從從氣候問題開始。中國與美國多年來在氣候危機上陷入僵局,也讓世界陷入僵局,但過去確實也一度有所進展、激勵了整個世界。2013年啓動的中美氣候外交管道釋放了催生《巴黎協定》的動力。在去年的第26屆聯合國氣候變化大會上,美國與中國發表了《格拉斯哥聯合聲明》 ,誓言共同努力解決從甲烷到煤炭的排放問題,也給世界帶來希望。

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

Climate is not about ideology.  It’s about math.  There’s simply no way to solve climate change without China’s leadership, the country that produces 28 percent of global emissions.  The International Energy Agency has made clear that if China sticks with its current plan and does not peak its emissions until 2030, then the rest of the world must go to zero by 2035.  And that’s simply not possible.

氣候問題與意識形態無關,而是數學問題。沒有中國發揮領導作用,根本無法解決氣候變化問題,因為這個國家的排放量佔全球的28% 。國際能源機構已明確表示,如果中國堅持目前的計劃,直到2030年之前都不會達到排放峰值,那麼世界其它地方想在2035年前實現零排放,根本是不可能的。

Today about 20 nations are responsible for 80 percent of emissions.  China is number one.  The United States is number two.  Unless we all do much more, much faster, the financial and human cost will be catastrophic.  Plus, competing on clean energy and climate policy can produce results that benefit everyone. The progress that the United States and China make together – including through the working group established by the Glasgow Declaration – is vital to our success in avoiding the worst consequences of this crisis.  I urge China to join us in accelerating the pace of these shared efforts.




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