
2018-12-29 08:30

? 人氣

閱讀暖身:當有人處於困境,凡事都不順心,或是遭逢意外,痛苦不堪時,最需要的就是得到一些鼓勵,以便重拾腳步再次出發。讓正面的力量取代負面的影響,使周遭朋友感受世界的美好。你會如何鼓舞人心呢?進入本文前, 請先想想以下詞彙:

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a)    判斷; 辨識

b)    喚起

c)    相似;類似

Inspire the people around you 

How to effectively inspire people is rather tricky,because we all tend to be inspired by different kinds of things.  An artist can see a piece of bark and instantly be inspired by it.  A composer can hear the sound of a chirping bird and create a beautiful melody out of it.  It’s difficult to a) pinpoint how to inspire people or be inspired by people,but there are tips one can follow to gain inspirations:


1. Show that you care

Small actions are important. You might not be able to 1) stand in their shoes,but at least by showing a little bit of care you can 2) go a long way.  A simple “How are you?”  Or just basic conversations will give this person a little bit of courage and make the world a little warmer.

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