Keep your nose clean才不是保持鼻子乾淨!2分鐘教你7個有關鼻子的超實用英文片語

2020-09-29 17:10

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keep one's nose to the grindstone

Grindstone 的意思是磨刀石,古代會放在木頭上,把整塊石頭像輪子一樣轉動來磨利刀具、武器等等。那可能磨刀時鼻子要靠近磨刀石,又要磨很久,keep one's nose to the grindstone 就引申為「長時間苦幹、努力做某事情」,舉個例子:

She kept her nose to the grindstone for half a year and got the result she wanted on the IELTS test.(她苦讀了半年書,終於取得了滿意的雅思成績。)

a nose for something

絕大部分的人都有一個鼻子,但如果在 a nose 後面加上了 for something 就表示「擅長尋找…;有發現…的能力」,像是把人形容成狗狗一樣,搜查能力特別敏銳,舉個例子:

As a passionate gourmet, she has always had a nose for a fine restaurant.(身為一個熱愛美食的人,她總是能找到很棒的餐廳。)

My granny has a nose for good bargains.(我奶奶很擅長撿便宜。)

nose something out

這個片語是把 nose 當動詞,表示「打探出;查出」,可以想成像警犬一樣嗅出各種線索,舉個例子:

The detective soon nosed out the details of the murder by talking to the people involved in it.(這名偵探和當事人們聊了聊後,他很快就摸清了謀殺案的細節。)

keep one’s nose out of someone's business

字面上意思是把鼻子從某人的事情中移開,其實意思就是「別多管閒事、給點隱私好嗎」,類似 mind your own business,舉個例子:

Dio, keep your nose out of your brother's business. Johnny can handle his problems well enough on his own.(Dio,別管你哥哥的事情。Johnny 能自己處理好他的問題。)

