
2021-01-20 07:11

? 人氣

First, let me express my overwhelming gratitude for the love and support of our spectacular First Lady, Melania.  Let me also share my deepest appreciation to my daughter Ivanka, my son-in-law Jared, and to Barron, Don, Eric, Tiffany, and Lara.  You fill my world with light and with joy.


I also want to thank Vice President Mike Pence, his wonderful wife Karen, and the entire Pence family.

我也要感謝副總統邁克 · 彭斯、他的妻子凱倫,以及彭斯一家人。

Thank you as well to my Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows; the dedicated members of the White House Staff and the Cabinet; and all the incredible people across our administration who poured out their heart and soul to fight for America.

也要感謝我的幕僚長馬克 · 梅多斯、忠誠的白宮幕僚和內閣成員,以及我們政府中所有那些美國全心全意付出的美妙夥伴。

I also want to take a moment to thank a truly exceptional group of people: the United States Secret Service.  My family and I will forever be in your debt.  My profound gratitude as well to everyone in the White House Military Office, the teams of Marine One and Air Force One, every member of the Armed Forces, and state and local law enforcement all across our country.

我還要花一點時間感謝一群真正傑出的人: 美國特勤局。我和我的家人永遠欠你們一份情。我也深深感謝白宮軍事辦公室的每一個人、陸戰隊一號和空軍一號的每一個隊員、武裝部隊的每一個成員、以及全國各州與地方的執法部門。




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