
2021-01-20 07:11

? 人氣

With the support and prayers of the American people, we achieved more than anyone thought possible.  Nobody thought we could even come close.


We passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history.  We slashed more job-killing regulations than any administration had ever done before.  We fixed our broken trade deals, withdrew from the horrible Trans-Pacific Partnership and the impossible Paris Climate Accord, renegotiated the one-sided South Korea deal, and we replaced NAFTA with the groundbreaking USMCA — that’s Mexico and Canada — a deal that’s worked out very, very well.

我們通過了美國歷史上最大規模的減稅和改革方案。我們大幅削減了比以往任何一屆政府都多的扼殺就業的規定。我們修復了破裂的貿易協定,退出了可怕的跨太平洋戰略經濟夥伴關係協定、以及不可能達成的《巴黎氣候協定》 ,重新談判了原來的單邊韓國協定,我們用突破性的美墨加協議(USMCA)取代了北美自由貿易協定(NAFTA),一個非常非常好的協議。

Also, and very importantly, we imposed historic and monumental tariffs on China; made a great new deal with China.  But before the ink was even dry, we and the whole world got hit with the China virus.  Our trade relationship was rapidly changing, billions and billions of dollars were pouring into the U.S., but the virus forced us to go in a different direction.

此外,非常重要的是,我們對中國徵收了歷史性的鉅額關稅; 與中國達成了一項重要的新協議。但是在墨跡未乾之時,我們和全世界都被中國病毒感染了。我們的貿易關係正在迅速改變,數十億美元湧入美國,但是病毒迫使我們走向不同的方向。




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