
2017-07-04 14:36

? 人氣


[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知



◎ In my opinion / view,... 我認為,...
例如:In my opinion, the growth of our company this year is very impressive.

◎ I believe / feel / think that... 我相信 / 覺得 / 認為...
例如:I believe expanding our company to China is going to bring us huge profits.

◎ I'm convinced / sure that... 我深信 / 相信...
例如:I'm convinced that exposing our products in various types of social media can boost our sales for the next month.

◎ Personally,... 就本人而言...
例如:Personally, I like the design of it.

◎ If you ask me,... 如果你問我的話,...
例如:If you ask me, I think we should change the emphasis of the images in our advertisements.

◎ It seems to me that… 在我看來...
例如:It seems to me that our customers really enjoy us putting these popular songs in our videos.

風傳媒歡迎各界分享發聲,來稿請寄至 opinion@storm.mg
