立蛋的英文才不是Standing Egg!六個連台灣人都一知半解的端午節英文單字,趕快學起來

2020-06-24 19:18

? 人氣




[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知


今天就讓 Amber 跟 Ken 一起聊聊端午節吧!

Ken 是 Amber 在美國交換學生的時候認識的美國朋友,原本他預計這個六月要來台灣旅行,但由於疫情爆發,這趟台灣之行只好取消,於是 Amber 就打視訊給 Ken 聊聊近況…

Amber: Hi Ken, how are you? Such a pity that you can’t come visit Taiwan this June.
Amber: 嗨 Ken,你最近過得好嗎?好可惜你今年六月不能來台灣。

Ken: Hey Amber, I’m good, just staying home all day long. I’d really wanted to experience the Dragon Boat Festival in Taiwan this year.
Ken: 嗨 Amber,我很好,只是一整天都待在家,我今年真的很想去台灣體驗端午節。

Amber: Don’t be sad. You still have a chance to come visit in the future. Do you know much about the Dragon Boat Festival?
Amber: 不要難過,你還有機會可以來,關於端午節你知道多少?

Ken: Well, I know that there is a dragon boat race every year and also that everyone will eat rice dumplings on that day.
Ken: 這個嘛,我知道每年端午節都會有划龍舟比賽,還有大家都會在那天吃粽子。

Amber: Yeah, but do you know why we have these customs?
Amber: 對,但你知道為何會有這些習俗嗎?

Ken: No, can you tell me?
Ken: 不知道,你可以告訴我嗎?

Amber: Sure, so the Dragon Boat Festival aims to memorialize the ancient poet Qu Yuan, who is very famous for being a patriot. People loved him, but one day he was exiled by the emperor because some officials started to spread rumors about him. Eventually, Qu Yuan took his own life by jumping into the Milou River. 
Amber: 好啊,端午節是為了紀念詩人屈原,他是一個非常有名的愛國者,人民都很愛戴他,但是有天他被皇帝流放因為有些官員散播他的不實謠言,最後,屈原跳進汨羅江自殺。

Ken: What a sad story!
Ken: 好悲傷的故事!

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