老外和你說「Level with me」,竟是揭露祕密的開場白?一篇文看懂超常見3種「Level」用法

2020-08-13 13:45

? 人氣


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It seems too good to be true. Are you sure it is on the level?

Michael覺得很納悶,Level?老闆難道是在問對方的程度嗎?其實on the level和你想的不一樣。今天來看看level這個字的道地用法。

1. On the level ≠ 在同一水平

Are you sure it is on the level?

Level這個字,一般我們最熟悉的意思是「程度」、「水平」,On the level卻有「坦白、誠實」的意思。當我們誠實告訴別人一件事,兩個人知道的事就一樣,這就是on the level。多看幾個實用句子:

I'd like to help, but I can't -- on the level! 我很想要幫忙,但老實說,實在沒辦法。
Is John on the level? I find it hard to believe him. John很誠實嗎?我覺得要相信他很困難。
Is this information on the level? 這消息可靠嗎?

2. Level with me ≠ 和我在一起

I don’t think you’re leveling with me.

Level也可當動詞,意思是把東西弄平,Level with就是把對方弄得和自己一樣,同一視線,引申為坦白之意。

Level with me. 說實話吧!
I’ll level with you. 我想向你坦白。


A: Please level with me, Rob, what do you think about my advice of modifying the design of the
building? 坦白告訴我,Rob,你認為我對這棟大樓設計的修改如何?
B: Frankly, it’s a good idea.” 說實話,是個不錯的想法。

3. Level best ≠ 最好的程度

Don’t go to a whole lot of trouble. Your level best is good enough.

Level best就是全力以赴,常常和do搭配:
Tickets are hard to come by but I'll do my level best to get you one.票很難弄到,但我會盡全力給你


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