另外,多家英國報紙也已表明對公投立場。《金融時報》(Financial Times)與《經濟學人》(The Economist)等大報站穩親歐立場。《太陽報》(the Sun)、《旁觀者》(The Spectator)及與姊妹報《泰晤士報》(The Times)分道揚鑣的《周日泰晤士報》(The Sunday Times)則支持英國尋求歐盟之外的未來。

《金融時報》(Financial Times)〈英國應該續留歐盟〉(Britain should vote to stay in the EU)
《泰晤士報》(The Times)〈重塑歐洲〉(Remaking Europe)
《經濟學人》(The Economist)〈分裂走向失敗〉(Divided we fall)
《觀察家報》(The Observer)編輯室立場
《郵報周日版》(The Mail on Sunday)〈續留歐盟建立更安全、自由、繁榮及偉大的英國〉(Vote Remain for a safer, freer, more prosperous - and, yes, an even GREATER Britain)
《每日紀事報》(Daily Record)及《周日郵報》(Sunday Mail)
〈給英格蘭選民的信:蘇格蘭經驗顯示續留歐盟是最佳選擇〉(Our open letter to English EU referendum voters: Experience tells us Scots that backing Remain for unity is the best option)
〈支持和平、團結及公共利益〉(Vote for peace, unity and the common good)
《衛報》(Guardian)〈保持連結與包容,而非憤怒而孤立〉(keep connected and inclusive, not angry and isolated)
《太陽報》(the Sun)編輯室聲明
《旁觀者》(The Spectator)〈離開 ─ 並走入世界〉(Out–and into the world)
《周日泰晤士報》(The Sunday Times)〈英國與歐洲建立新關係的時機來臨〉(Time for Britain to strike a new deal with Europe)
《周日電訊報》(Sunday Telegraph)〈英國必須為了適應未來而離開歐盟〉(We must vote Leave to create a Britain fit for the future)
《每日電訊報》(The Daily Telegragh)〈脫離歐盟以獲得更廣泛的機會〉(Vote leave to benefit from a world of opportunity )
《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)〈相信英國,脫離歐盟〉(If you believe in Britain, vote Leave.)