
2017-09-17 07:30

? 人氣

當你跟外國朋友提議,一起去逛街、看電影、旅行等,你是不是只會用一種用法呢?雖然 let's do something 這是個安全牌,但總是這樣說真的有點膩欸,今天來學習另外四招,讓你在提議時也與眾不同喔!

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

◎ How about…?(...怎麼樣呢?)


A: Oh, no! I’m running late for my friend’s performance tonight.
B: How about I give you a ride? I’m going that way, too.

你也可以直接在 about 後面直接接上一件事物,注意因為是事物,所以性質要是名詞,因此如果是動詞的話要記得先變成動名詞形式喔!
A: There are so many choices for desserts! I don’t know which one to order.
B: How about ice cream?

A: I want to do something fun this weekend instead of staying home.
B: How about camping with me?

◎ What do you say to doing something?(我 / 我們...你覺得如何?)

例如:I really like Kim. What do you say to me asking her out to dinner tonight?
(我真的很喜歡 Kim。你覺得我今晚邀她吃晚餐好不好?)

那 What do you say? 也可以單獨成立,這時候 say 並不是「說」的意思,而要理解為「見解為何」。
例如:Let's go to Jason's place. He's throwing a pool party! What do you say?
(我們去 Jason 家吧。他要辦泳池派對欸!你覺得怎樣?)

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