
2019-10-25 09:53

? 人氣

美國副總統彭斯24日在華府為智庫威爾遜中心(Wilson Center)首屆馬勒克公共服務領袖講座致詞。(美聯社)

美國副總統彭斯24日在華府為智庫威爾遜中心(Wilson Center)首屆馬勒克公共服務領袖講座致詞。(美聯社)

美國副總統彭斯美東時間24日中午在華府智庫威爾遜中心(Wilson Center)舉辦的首屆馬勒克公共服務領袖講座上致詞,以下是他的演說全文:

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知


Well, thank you all for that warm welcome.  And to your new chairman, Governor Scott Walker; former Congresswoman Jane Harman; and to all the members of the board at this historic center; and to all the fine scholars: It is an honor to be here at the Wilson Center, named after a President that was a great champion for America leadership and for freedom on the world stage.


And in that same spirit, allow me to begin this morning by bringing greetings from another President who’s a champion for freedom here at home and across the wider world.  I bring greetings from the 45th President of the United States of America, President Donald Trump.  (Applause.)


I come before you today at the end of a momentous week.  In the wake of Turkish forces invading Syria, thanks to the strong economic and diplomatic action of the President of the United States, and thanks to the cooperation by our Turkish and Kurdish allies, Syrian Defense Forces were able to safely withdraw from the border area that’s currently under Turkish military control. And yesterday, Turkey’s Ministry of Defense confirmed a permanent cease-fire and a halt of all offensive military operations.  (Applause.)




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