
2019-10-25 09:53

? 人氣


[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

When Deng Xiaoping’s “Reform and Opening” policy encouraged engagement and exchange with the outside world, the United States responded with open arms.  We welcomed China’s rise.  We celebrated the remarkable accomplishment of 600 million people lifting themselves out of poverty.  And America invested more than any other nation in China’s economic resurgence. The American people want better for the people of China.  But in pursuit of that end, we must take China as it is, not as we imagine or hope it might be someday.


And people sometimes ask whether the Trump administration seeks to “de-couple” from China.  The answer is a resounding “no.”  The United States seeks engagement with China and China’s engagement with the wider world, but engagement in a manner consistent with fairness, mutual respect, and the international rules of commerce. But, so far, it appears the Chinese Communist Party continues to resist a true opening or a convergence with global norms.




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