
2017-09-11 12:56

? 人氣

「對啊!正是!沒錯!當然!真的!的確!那還用說!」這些都是我們在英文對話中常常會用到的話語,你還是只會說yes 或ok嗎?小編來教你回答得道地又漂亮!

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

1.Exactly! 對啊!

A : So you mean he literally proposed to you yesterday on the beach?

B : Exactly! Can you imagine that?

A : That is way too romantic!

B : You bet!

2.Right! 對啊!

A : Maybe you should take a taxi instead of the bus so that you can be there on time.

B : Right! Good idea!

3.Absolutely! 正是!

A : Are you the one in this picture with the trophy?

B : Absolutely! You have no idea I was the hero of our school throughout the year!

4.Correct! 沒錯!

A : Let me guess. You are accepted by the graduate school, right?

B : Correct! And I also got the scholarship! It's really amazing!

5.Totally! 真的!

A : I just don't think it's possible for us to overwork every single day until midnight.

B : Totally! How could we get a normal life like this?

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