
2024-04-01 19:30

? 人氣

[7] 原文為:“In ‘containment’ it is desirable to exert pressure in a fashion which will avoid so far as possible directly challenging Soviet prestige, to keep open the possibility for the USSR to retreat before pressure with a minimum loss of face and to secure political advantage from the failure of the Kremlin to yield or take advantage of the openings we leave it.” State and Defense, Secretaries of(1975) "NSC-68: A Report to the National Security Council," Naval War College Review: Vol. 28: No. 3, Article 7. Available at: https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/nwc-review/vol28/iss3/7

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[8] 以克制取信於各國,見Ikenberry, G. John. After Victory: Institutions, Strategic Restraint, and the Rebuilding of Order After Major Wars, Princeton University Press, 2019.

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