
2018-01-23 07:00

? 人氣

9. Clark, R. H., and . Valentin, The History of ICRP and the Evolution of Its Policies. International Commission on Radiological Protection. ICRP Publication 109. 2008; 75-110.

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10. Cuttler, J. M., "Urgent Change Needed to Radiation Protection Policy," Health Phys. 2016;110(3):267-270.

11. Mitchel, R. E. J., "Cancer and Low Dose Responses in Vivo: Implications for 

12. Pollycove, M., "Radiobiological Basis of Low-Dose Irradiation in Prevention and Therapy of Cancer," Does-Response. 2007; 5:26-36. 

13. Jaworowski, Z., "Radiation and Ethics," Physics Today. 1999; 59(9):24-29. In: T. Rockwell and J. M.Cuttler, eds., President's Special Session: Low-Level Radiation and Its Implications for Fukushima Recovery. American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, June 25, 2012. pp. 112-117.

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