
2018-11-04 08:00

? 人氣

許多疾病,如癌症、心臟疾病、糖尿病、肥胖和較差的睡眠模式相關。科學家有豐富的、大量的證據證明,遵從人體的生理時鐘的重要性;例如,實驗表明,僅僅幾個星期的夜班工作後的人很快成為前期糖尿病患。此外,英國劍橋大學的雷迪博士引用在牛津大學進行的一項研究,揭示了工作 30 年以上夜班的婦女得乳癌的風險和從來沒有從事夜班的婦女比較,風險是兩倍高。

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

In order to help b) attune one’s body to an appropriate sleep cycle, Professor Czeisler from Harvard University recommends that a person cease usage of computers, smartphones, and tablets several hours before bedtime. In addition, reducing overall light exposure in the evening to sources such as energy efficient light bulbs will significantly help one fall asleep more easily. The reason for this is that diminished light exposure is critical for the release of c) melatonin, the hormone responsible for helping one fall asleep.




1. In accordance with 根據, 依照

In accordance with their discussion, Sarah has prepared the contract. 根據他們的討論, 莎拉準備了合約。

Simon attends the meeting in accordance with his boss’s request. 賽門依照老闆的要 求而參與會議。

2. Correlate with 使..相互關聯

This evidence does not correlate with your earlier story. 此證據和你之前所告知的說法沒有關聯。



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