
2020-08-10 15:08

? 人氣


—Sam, Columbia University, financial economics

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

4. Join the Club

TikTok’s connection to China doesn’t concern me—almost every other social-media platform has equally difficult privacy concerns. Facebook is paying a $5 billion fine to the Federal Trade Commission for violating user privacy. Google keeps every search a user makes, and many Google services on Android devices and iPhones track the user’s location. I’ve no doubt that my iPhone, which was made largely in China and contains all my banking information, emails, text messages and more, gives Apple a frightening amount of information about me.

35. connection to 與⋯⋯的關係
36. privacy concerns 隱私顧慮
37. pay a fine 繳交罰金
38. violate user privacy 違反用戶隱私
39. track the user’s location 追蹤用戶的位置
40. have no doubt 毫無疑問
41. be made in china 是中國製造
42. banking information 銀行資訊
43. a frightening amount of information 數量驚人的資訊


—Andrew, Georgetown University, government


*tick sb off

(圖/Eric's English Lounge提供)
(圖/Eric's English Lounge提供)



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