
2020-08-10 15:08

? 人氣

17. when it comes to… 當提及⋯⋯
18. no more than 最多;不超過;僅僅*
19. social-media apps 社群媒體應用程式
20. sandbox 沙盒
21. have access to 可以進入⋯⋯
22. a limited portion of ⋯⋯的一小部分
23. exceed the user agreements 超越用戶協議
24. out of anxiety 出於焦慮
25. irrational 不合理的;沒有理性的


—Reed, University of Texas, finance

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

*no more than

3. The Real Problem

Privacy should be a concern, and it’s good to hear the federal government is at least looking into it. But the bigger issue with TikTok is the drain on productivity. If Instagram is caffeine, addictive but with a clear purpose, TikTok is cocaine. I have in mind friends of mine who rot their brains watching TikTok videos for hours at a time—all while on “five-minute study breaks.”

26. it’s good to hear 很高興聽到……
27. the federal government 聯邦政府
28. looking into sth 調查;研究
29. the drain on productivity 生產力耗盡
30. caffeine 咖啡因
31. addictive 使人上癮的
32. cocaine 古柯鹼
33. have sth in mind 想好;慮及
34. five-minute study breaks 讀書時的五分鐘休息時間

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