
2022-02-23 06:30

? 人氣



當仇中、反中的意識形態,已明顯陷入歇斯底里,蔡英文總統、蘇貞昌院長等府院黨聯手1450,無限上綱地集體霸凌黃郁婷時,黃郁婷或應依國際奧委會發佈的《運動員權利與責任宣言》(The Athletes’ Declaration),就運動員之權利:「參與運動與競賽,不受政治傾向或其他主張的歧視」,以及「言論自由」,寫一封公開信給主席湯瑪斯·巴赫(Thomas Bach)!

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知


國際奧委會主席湯瑪斯·巴赫也是法律人,擁有德國法學博士學位的他,於2018年10月,在阿根廷的布宜諾斯艾利斯舉行的國際奧會第133次年會上,主持並討論通過《運動員權利與責任宣言》(The Athletes’ Declaration)。該個由來自全球190 國,4,292名精英運動員所共同提擬的共同宣言,其中還特別比照聯合國之《世界人權宣言》,強調:「參與運動與競賽,不受政治傾向或其他主張的歧視」,以及「言論自由」!而今,蔡英文、蘇貞昌等府院黨聯手1450,只因黃郁婷充分展現國際奧委會的「友善」精神,維護「全世界運動員在奧運會中聚首一堂」的「奧林匹克價值」,並遵循「相互理解、友誼長久、團結一致」的「奧林匹克主義基本原則」,而粗暴地集體霸凌黃郁婷,試問:究竟是誰,才在以國家資源,殘忍踐踏、侮辱中華民國的國格!?




Huang Yuting may consider to write an open letter to President Thomas Bach!

Dr. Prof. Jerry Hsia

National Taiwan Normal University

When the ideology of hatred against China and anti-China has obviously fallen into hysteria, President Tsai Ing-wen, Premier Su Zhenchang and other government parties have joined forces to bully Huang Yuting in a collective way.  According to Athletes' Declaration, on the rights of athletes to "participate in sports and competition without discrimination by political affiliation or other claims", and "freedom of speech", Huang Yuting may consider to write an open letter to President Thomas Bach!

Both Tsai Ing-wen and Su Zhenchang are legal practicers, knowing that there are currently no regulations or special statutes that can hamper athletes' freedom of expression and speech as well as deeds. Huang Yuting, who is nearly impossible to defend for herself, was bullied collectively by Tsai's government. In particular, the Ministry of Education, which acts as a thug, understands the definition of bullying as: “A person or group continues to use words, pictures, symbols, body movements, electronic communications, the Internet or other means, directly or indirectly, against others.  Deliberately demeaning, ostracizing, bullying, harassing or teasing others, placing others in a hostile or unfriendly environment, resulting in mental, physical or property damage”!

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach, who is also a law practicer, holds a German doctorate in law. In October 2018, at the 133rd annual meeting of the International Olympic Games held in Buenos Aires, Argentina,  chaired by President Bach and to discuss the adoption of The Athletes' Declaration. The joint declaration, which was jointly proposed by 4,292 elite athletes from 190 countries around the globe, also specifically refers to the United Nations' “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, emphasizing: "Participation in sports and competition is not discriminated against by political orientation or other opinions."  , and "freedom of speech"! Today, Tsai Ing-wen, Su Zhenchang and other governmental parties have joined forces with 1450 cyber army to brutally bullying Huang Yuting collectively, only because Huang Yuting fully demonstrated the "friendship" spirit of the International Olympic Committee, safeguarded the "Olympic values" of "athletes from all over the world gathering in the Olympic Games", and followed the "mutual" - "Basic Principles of Olympism" of understanding, long-lasting friendship, and unity". May we ask: Who is it that is using national resources to brutally trample and insult the national character of Taiwan, the Republic of China! ?

The "principle of non-discrimination" is at the heart of Olympism, which seeks a way of life that combines culture, education and "international cooperation" in a balanced way, based on "the joy of effort, the educational value of fine representation, social responsibility, and "Respect for the Universal Fundamental Moral Principles".  The main goal of Olympism is to make sports serve the "harmonious development" of human beings, so as to promote a "peaceful society" that maintains human dignity, rather than "hostility" and "hatred".  Don’t Tsai Ing-wen and Su Zhenchang understand?


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