「奧斯卡超白」爭議不是非白即黑 亞裔、拉丁美裔及原住民的奧斯卡在哪裡?

2016-02-29 10:46

? 人氣


黑人電影從業者並非唯一抵制奧斯卡獎者。25日,史上第一位獲奧斯卡提名的跨性別表演者安娜妮(Anohni),在音樂網站「Pitchfork」上發表專文,闡述自己不出席頒獎典禮的緣由。英國歌手暨視覺藝術家安娜妮與美國創作者雷夫(J. Ralph)為紀錄片《競速滅絕》(Racing Extinction)合作的歌曲〈Manta Ray〉入圍最佳原創歌曲獎。

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

同獎項其他3位入圍者括山姆史密斯(Sam Smith)、女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)與威肯(the Weeknd)都獲邀演出,安娜妮與大衛蘭(David Lang)的表演則因為時間有限而被取消。

安娜妮表示,她可以理解其中的商業考量,也了解她不是因為作為一名跨性別者而被取消演出機會。(奧斯卡官方網站上一篇〈9個關於原創歌曲入圍者的驚人事實〉(2016 Oscar Nominees For Best Original Song: 9 Surprising Facts)文章中,指明她是史上第2位獲提名的公開跨性別者。)




美國南加州大學(USC)種族及流行文化學者博伊德(Todd Boyd)表示,在好萊塢與奧斯卡歷史中,種族主義的議題一直存在著,且通常以黑人與白人的對比來呈現。


金錢當前 種族主義不是藉口

或許,金錢因素比種族情結更能解釋這樣的結果。與安娜妮對美國資本主義的觀察相似,美國拉丁美洲裔演員吉娜羅德里奎(Gina Rodriguez)1月在Instagram上發起#MovementMonday(周一運動),鼓勵拉丁美洲族群支持自己的演員。


Movement Monday's. This is Oscar Isaac. He is a Guatemalan American actor. This is a picture from Ex Machina directed by Alex Garland and was released this past year. With all this Oscar Talk and lack of diversity I decided to start a movement and speak from the perspective of a Latina American who desires to see more Latinos on screen. There are 55 million Latinos in this country and although we all come from various backgrounds our unity can make a movie explode at the box office or a tv show soar to the highest viewers possible. The better these projects do financially, the more money they will spend on putting Latinos In blockbuster films, as leads in tv shows Etc. My solution is this, support is needed. Right now there isn't one Latino that can Greenlight a movie. That means no studio will put their money behind a Latino face as a lead of a movie because they don't believe we can make their money back. I am told time and time again "Latinos dont watch Latino Movies. Latinos don't support each other" and sadly that is true. I'm not saying go and see a movie you don't like to blind support, im saying if you want to see us represented on film and tv, if you want to see Latinos nominated for Oscars, we NEED to support one another. The industry sees money, the excuse can't just be racism. We can make a difference in a very powerful way if we unite our support as one Latino community. Oscar Isaac, in my opinion had an Oscar worthy performance in this film. Let's start making noise with where it matters most, where we put our dollars. Go support these films, watch these shows (mine is on tonight by the way, shameless promotion feel free to watch on the CW) and we can take making a change into our own hands. Each Monday I will highlight a latino artist we can support. Let us use our numbers and powerful voices to prove we support one another, to prove we can make a box office hit, to prove they need to support all the various Latino cultures in the media. That can be one part of the solution, so next year we have many movies that are worthy of Oscar contention! #MovementMondays Pick any Latino currently working we can support!

Gina Rodriguez(@hereisgina)張貼的相片 於 張貼

她在生於瓜地馬拉的美國籍演員奧斯卡伊薩克(Oscar Isaac)於《人造意識》(Ex Machina)的劇照下寫道:這個國家有5500萬名拉丁美洲裔人民。團結起來,我們可以讓一部電影的票房爆炸,電視劇收視率飆高。這些作品的收益越高,拉丁美洲裔的演員就越可能獲得好的角色。

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