
2022-07-30 09:30

? 人氣


78. Please contact the Personnel Office for welfare information. 福利方面之資訊請與人事室聯繫。

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

79. Please report to the Personnel Office by February 14. 我要通知您於2月14日前至本單位人事室辦理報到。

80. Please report to the Personnel Office at 9 o’clock on the morning of your first day. 請您第一天上班時,於早上9點至人事室報到。

81. You have completed the procedure for reporting-for-duty. 您已完成報到手續。

82. The period of probation for a new contract employee is three months. 新進聘僱人員的試用期為3個月。

83. A contract employee has 8 days of marital leave, and this leave shall be taken within 1 month of the wedding. 聘僱人員婚假有8天,並應於1個月內請畢。

84. A regular shift is 8 hours per day from Monday through Friday. 正常班為週一至週五每日工作8小時。

85. This unit provides flexible working hours. 本單位實施彈性上下班。

86. You may report for work between 8:00 and 9:00 am. 彈性上班時間為早上8點至9點。

87. He accumulated 10 hours of overtime this week. 他這星期累積了10小時的加班時數。

88. You need to get permission from your supervisor to apply for a leave of absence / take days off work. 您需要獲得主管同意才能請假。

89. If you want to take a leave of absence / take days off work you need to fill out a leave sheet and state the reason. 如果您要請假,必須要填寫請假單並說明理由。

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