
2022-07-30 09:30

? 人氣

26. What time would be convenient for both of you? 您們兩個人什麼時候方便呢?

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

27. How about the day after tomorrow at five o’clock p.m.? 後天下午五點如何?

28. I’d like to make an appointment to see you. 我想要跟您約個時間見面。

29. Would it be possible for us to talk to Mr.Wilson in person about that? 我們可否親自跟威爾森先生談此事?

30. Could we meet and discuss the matter in a little more detail? 我們可以見面再詳細討論一下這件事嗎?

31. Could we get together and discuss it a little more? 我們可否見面時再多討論一下?

32. I am afraid I couldn’t make it. 我恐怕無法到達。

33. Something urgent has happened. We won’t be able to make it tomorrow. 有急事發生。明天我們去不成了。

34. I am not sure. I have to check my schedule. 我不確定,我要查看我的行程。

35. I’d like to meet Mr. Wilson at four o’clock in the afternoon. 下午四點我想跟威爾森先生見個面。

36. Are you free next Tuesday at two o’clock p.m.? 下個星期二下午兩點您有空嗎?

37. Could we make a tentative appointment for Friday? 我們能暫時先約在星期五嗎?

38. Are you free right now? I really need to talk about it with you. 你現在有空嗎?我真的必須和你討論一下。

39. Please call on me anytime when it is convenient for you. 歡迎來訪,只要任何時候您方便時。

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