
2022-07-30 09:30

? 人氣

40. Just give me a call before you come over. 你來之前打個電話給我就可以了。

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

41. We are really looking forward to this appointment. 我們真的很期待這次的會面。

42. I’m sorry, I have an appointment with one of my clients tomorrow. 抱歉,我和我的一個客戶明天有約會。

43. I am not sure about it. Can I inform you later this week? 這件事我不確定,我可以本週晚一點通知你嗎?


44. I take full responsibility for my behavior / actions. 我會為我的行為負全責。

45. I will make every effort to make sure that this will never happen again. 我將盡一切努力確保事情不會再次發生。

46. I assure you that I will do my best to avoid similar mistakes in the future. 我向你保證,我會盡我所能,以避免今後再次發生類似的錯誤。

47. I should have checked the quality of our products more thoroughly. 我應該更仔細的檢查產品的品質。

48. I’m sorry that I shouldn’t have done that. 抱歉,我不應該那樣做。


49. Thank you for your help in securing an alternative supplier when our shipping consignment was delayed recently. 感謝您在我們最近貨物運送延遲時幫助找到替代供應商。

50. We’re grateful for your support in business activity. 我們非常感謝您對商業活動的支持。

51. Thank you for your great service over the years. 感謝您多年來的出色服務。

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