
2022-07-30 09:30

? 人氣

66. Well done on the project! 企劃做得很好!

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67. We reached a deadlock quite early in the negotiation. 我們在談判中早已陷入僵局。

68. We understand your concerns, but we disagree with what you have proposed. 我們了解您的考量,但是我們不同意您的提議。

69. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you on this. 我恐怕在這點不能同意你。

70. Unfortunately, we are not on the same page. 很不幸地,我們與您的想法不一致。恐怕沒辦法同意您的意見。

71. One of the key reasons for this proposal is to lower the company’s personnel cost. 這項提議其中一個重要因素是要降低公司的人事成本。

72. He drove a hard bargain, but we finally made a deal. 他在價格上不願妥協,但我們最終完成了交易。 

73. Before we decide, let’s consider the alternatives. 在我們做出決定之前,先讓我們考慮一下替代方案。

74. Despite our disagreements, we have been able to find some common ground. 儘管我們存在分歧,但我們還是找到了一些共同點。

75. It’s not much of a negotiation if you’re not willing to give any ground. 如果你不願意讓步,那就算不上什麼談判。

76. I am hoping we can reach a consensus. 我希望我們能達成共識。

77. At the same time, we are prepared to be flexible and seek fresh approaches that could break the deadlock. 與此同時,我們準備採取靈活態度,尋求能夠打破僵局的新方法。

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