「我覺得不自在」講成 I don't feel free?六個讓外國人黑人問號的台式英文,趕快改過來!

2020-07-13 18:02

? 人氣


(X)I have enough!
(O)I’ve had it! / I’ve had enough!

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雷隊友常讓你崩潰嗎?要怎麼跟他說「我受夠了」呢?有些人可能會想到 I have enough! 但這個說法會有時態問題,因為在說「我受夠了」時,你其實已經忍受了很多事,忍到最後一刻才爆發,所以應該要使用現在完成式:I’ve had it! / I’ve had enough!。

A: Hey, George, can you grab me a beer?
A: 欸 George,幫我拿一杯飲料可以嗎?

B: Here you go.
B: 給你。

A: Can you put some ice in it? Where’s the straw? And could you grab me some snacks while you’re up there…
A: 你應該幫我加點冰塊的啊,而且吸管呢?噢對了,順便幫我拿些零食…

B: I’ve had enough of you! Go get it yourself you lazy so-and-so!
B: 我受夠了!別這麼懶好不好,自己走去拿!

A: Alright, alright!
A: 好啦好啦!


(X)I lost my face.
(O)I’m so embarrassed.

人生在世不免丟臉,舉凡認錯人、在電梯放屁等,都會讓人想挖洞鑽進去,但這種「丟臉」可別翻成 lose my face,正確說法是 lose face,不用加上所有格,而且 lose face 比較是指讓人「沒面子」,如果要形容丟臉的狀況,可以說 I’m so embarrassed. 來表示尷尬、丟臉的感覺。

A: Oh my God! I’m so embarrassed!
A: 噢天哪!我實在是太丟臉了!

B: What? I’ve been looking for you for a while!
B: 蛤?我找你找了好一陣子欸!

A: I wanted to prank you, so I hid behind the door then jumped out to scare you.
A: 我剛剛想整你,所以就躲在門後跳出來嚇你。

B: Did you get the wrong person again?
B: 你又認錯人了嗎?

A: Yeah… so embarrassing!
A: 沒錯,真的有夠尷尬!

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