
2020-06-22 10:28

? 人氣


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[6]其實,阿欽這裡有一種生氣,生氣自己、生氣對他、生氣為什麼我們那麼多的美好比不上金錢,而有些時候,我們會對伴侶表現出負面情緒(甚至事後好後悔),可能是因為我們相信「如果我這樣子做,可能對我們之間的關係有用」,比方説我摔安全帽、憤怒大叫,雖然會讓你覺得不舒服,但根據以往的經驗,你就會把注意力放在我身上,真正正視我的問題,所以我就會持續做這件事(可以期待下一集阿欽和前任的互動)。實驗細節可參考Tamir, M., & Ford, B. Q. (2012). When feeling bad is expected to be good: Emotion regulation and outcome expectancies in social conflicts. Emotion, 12(4), 807.

[7]Wood, J. V., Heimpel, S. A., Manwell, L. A., & Whittington, E. J. (2009). This mood is familiar and I don’t deserve to feel better anyway: Mechanisms underlying self-esteem differences in motivation to repair sad moods. Journal of personality and social psychology, 96(2), 363.

[8]Shaver, P. R., Schachner, D. A., & Mikulincer, M. (2005). Attachment style, excessive reassurance seeking, relationship processes, and depression. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31(3), 343-359.


文/海苔熊 科普心理學家

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