
2017-03-25 06:50

? 人氣


在1755年,瓦特進入格拉斯哥大學擔任數理儀器技師(mathematical instrument maker)。由於瓦特對儀器與機器的天份與興趣,三位格拉斯哥大學的教授在1757年聯合為瓦特在校園內設立一個工作室,其中二位是經濟學之父亞當史密(Smith, 1723-1790)與布雷克(Black, 1728-1799),布雷克是瓦特的上司與導師(master and mentor)。(以上資訊翻譯自英文版的維基百科,中文版無此內容。)

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如圖2所示,《新國富論》中譯本如此敘述:「…他們必須從實質結果,而且從方法論上借助前人的力量。…分離電容器(separate condenser)的想法,但是給了他方法和練習的機會,讓他探索、解決問題。但是大發明家如瓦特者,仍無法一人攬下所有的光芒。他與許多…擔任教授的朋友相互切磋,他學過數學、做有系統的實驗、計算了蒸氣引擎的熱效能…」(汪仲翻譯,時報出版社,p. 202)


對照上段翻譯文句的原文如下(p. 206):“But to say that the engine anticipated knowledge is not to say that the engine builder did not draw on earlier scientific acquisitions, both substantive and methodological. James Watt made the point. His master and mentor Joseph Black (1728-1799) did not give him the idea for the separate condenser, but working with Black gave him the practice and method to probe and resolve the issue. Even at that, the heroic inventor did not give full credit. Watt was a friend of professors in Edinburgh and Glasgow, of eminent natural philosophers in England, of scientists abroad. He knew his mathematics, did systematic experiments, calculated the thermal efficiency of steam engines; in short, build on accumulated knowledge and ideas to advance technique.”

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