
2023-02-21 07:10

? 人氣

[5] 大戰略的定義,各家眾說紛紜,可見Balzacq, Thierry, and Ronald R. Krebs, eds. The Oxford handbook of grand strategy. Oxford University Press, 2021。筆者的定義,一方面以大戰略的學術相關文獻為本,一方面以凱南的經典,討論「圍堵政策」的文章 “The sources of Soviet conduct"(見 footnote 4)為靈感和範例。

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[6]宏觀的指導原則之外,有時大戰略也可是「宏觀計畫」(grand  plan)或 「宏觀行為」(grand behavior)。可見Silove, Nina. "Beyond the buzzword: the three meanings of “grand strategy”." Security studies 27.1 (2018): 27-57.

[7] Christensen, Thomas J., Useful adversaries: Grand strategy, domestic mobilization, and Sino-American conflict, 1947-1958 (Princeton University Press, 1996), Chapter 2.

[8] Snyder, Jack, Myths of empire: Domestic politics and international ambition (Cornell University Press, 1991), Chapter 3.

[9] 現實主義者認為國家安全(security)是國家制定大戰略時最重要的目標。可見Posen, Barry R., Restraint: A new foundation for US grand strategy (Cornell University Press, 2014).

[10]國家主次目標的排序及大戰略,可見Martel, William C., Grand strategy in theory and practice: the need for an effective American foreign policy (Cambridge University Press, 2015).

[11] Rosecrance, Richard and Arthur A. Stein, eds., The domestic bases of grand strategy (Cornell University Press, 1993).

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