
2017-08-30 21:51

? 人氣

Thank you athletes. Thank you for the passion you have given to Taipei.
And as the athletes prepare to go home, I know that they will take a part of Taipei with them. I know this city and these people [gesture to crowd with sweeping hands] will have a special place in the hearts for the years to come.

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

Dear friends, you may remember that at the opening ceremony, I said the best things are sometimes worth waiting for. It is six years since FISU awarded the hosting of this Universiade to Taipei. And after six years of hard work, Taipei has given many of these athletes the best moments of their lives.

At every competition, there have been wonderful crowds. To the spectators of the last days, to the volunteers of the last days I must say xie xie
You have been gracious. You have been generous. You have had a great spirit of fair play.
The athletes who are here now go will go on to be the leaders of tomorrow, I am sure they will remember the lessons they have learned here. They will have learnt from the values of sport and also from your values.
None of this would have been possible without the amazing support of our friends at the Taipei Universiade Organising Committee, from the national federations and from this wonderful city. Please accept the sincere gratitude of all of us who work in university sports. Fei chang Gan xie!
As this chapter closes, another one opens. So to our friends from Napoli, I must say Avanti! Forza Napoli!
And with that, let me hereby declare the Taipei 2017 Sumer Universiade officially closed. Thank you very much!




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