
2023-03-07 12:14

? 人氣


[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

範例(適用剛畢業的學生): I graduated with my degree in Economics two months ago. I chose that field of study because I’ve always been interested in finance and money, and a couple of family members told me it leads to great career options, too. (兩個月前,我剛獲得經濟學學位。我之所以選擇這個科系,是因為我一直對金融和金錢很感興趣,而且家人曾告訴我這有非常好的職業前景。)

外商英文面試題目2:Describe your work experience(請描述你的工作經歷)

NG回答:I’ve been working in the xxx company for 2 years. (and then? 過於簡短描述可能會讓面試官有點傻眼)


範例:My experience includes a variety of marketing and advertising opportunities. In college, I was the ad intern at the local radio station, where I designed event posters for local concerts and music festivals. Then I worked as a market research assistant, analyzing consumer data and drafting reports for the marketing director. My other positions allowed me to practice applying research to writing ad copy, social media posts, and a few radio commercial scripts. As your social media specialist, I want to continue sharing my research insights and improving my ability to transform consumer data into actionable, engaging content. (我的工作經驗包括各種行銷和廣告相關工作。在大學時期,我是廣播電台的廣告實習生,協助音樂會和音樂節設計活動海報;接著我擔任行銷研究助理,協助主管分析消費者數據並撰寫報告。而其他工作經驗讓我學習如何撰寫廣告、社群文案和廣告腳本等。在未來這份工作中,我希望繼續分享我的研究見解,同時提高把消費者數據轉換成為可操作、吸引人內容的能力。)

風傳媒歡迎各界分享發聲,來稿請寄至 opinion@storm.mg
