
2019-03-21 17:41

? 人氣

(原文:I don’t feel that we have kind of convincingly achieved our 2 percent mandate in a symmetrical way……That gives us the ability to be patient, and not move until we see that our target goals are being achieved.)

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

2) 雖然2018年美國經濟沒有放緩跡象,但海外經濟趨緩,尤其中國、歐洲,而今年以來美國數據好壞參半。 

(原文:growth has slowed in some foreign economies noddle notably in Europe and China……while the US economy showed little evidence of slowdowns, through the end of 2018……the limited data we have so far this year have been somewhat more mixed.)

3) 預計聯準會總資產負債表規模將為GDP的 17% (約3.5兆~3.7兆) 
(原文:the balance sheet will be of a size of approximately 17% of GDP around the end of this year down from 25 percent of GDP in at the end of 2014.)

文章來源:【FOMC會議】比想像中還鴿! 3月聯準會放出大絕招!


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