
2019-03-21 17:41

? 人氣

3) 長期持有美債組成,繼續實施機構債與MBS的到期贖回 
(原文:The Committee intends to continue to allow its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) to decline, consistent with the aim of holding primarily Treasury securities in the longer run......any principal payments in excess of that maximum will continue to be reinvested in agency MBS.)

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

4) 自10月開始,機構債與MBS到期將再投資於美債(限於200億/月以內,購買美債期限與流通在外到期一致) 
(原文:Beginning in October 2019, principal payments received from agency debt and agency MBS will be reinvested in Treasury securities subject to a maximum amount of $20 billion per month...... Principal payments from agency debt and agency MBS below the $20 billion maximum will initially be invested in Treasury securities across a range of maturities to roughly match the maturity composition of Treasury securities outstanding.)

5) 縮表結束後,銀行準備金將略高於有效實施貨幣政策水準 
(原文:The average level of reserves after the FOMC has concluded the reduction of its aggregate securities holdings at the end of September will likely still be somewhat above the level of reserves necessary to efficiently and effectively implement monetary policy.)

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