Lady Gaga曾遭性侵 奧斯卡獎後接到奶奶電話「聽見眼淚掉落的聲音」

2016-03-03 12:08

? 人氣

美國流行音樂天后女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)2014年就透露自己青少年時期曾遭到性侵害,不過顯然她的家人中不是每個都知道這件事。

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My grandmother (in the middle) and my Aunt Sheri (on the right) both called me the day after the Oscars because I never told them I was a survivor. I was too ashamed. Too afraid. And it took me a long time to even admit it to myself because I'm Catholic and I knew it was evil but I thought it was my fault. I thought it was my fault for ten years. The morning after the Oscars when I talked to my grandmother Ronnie, with tears in her eyes I could hear them welling through the phone she said to me "My darling granddaughter, I've never been more proud of you than I am today." Something I have kept a secret for so long that I was more ashamed of than anything-- became the thing the women in my life were the most proud of. And not just any women, the ones I look up to the most. #BeBrave #speakup #tilithappenstoyou

Lady Gaga(@ladygaga)張貼的相片 於 張貼

2月28日的典禮上,女神卡卡演唱入圍最佳原創歌曲的「Til It Happens to You」,由美國副總統拜登(Joe Biden)擔任引言人,並在表演時邀請50位性侵害倖存者上台。女神卡卡與名作曲家黛安華倫(Diane Warren)一同為美國大學校園性侵害問題紀錄片《獵場》(The Hunting Ground)編寫這首主題曲。


她在2014年接受電台主持人霍華史登(Howard Stern)訪問時透露,19歲那年,她被1個年紀比她大20多歲的男子性侵,但事後她從來沒有跟這名男子正面對質過。她說:「我不想讓自己被這件事情界定。」(I don't want to be defined by it.)



女神卡卡在奧斯卡典禮上演唱「Til It Happens to You」,並邀請其他性侵倖存者上台。(美聯社)
女神卡卡在奧斯卡典禮上演唱「Til It Happens to You」,並邀請其他性侵倖存者上台。(美聯社)


