
2019-05-27 09:00

? 人氣

Not taking his offer was a lost opportunity.(沒接受他的邀約是一個失去了的機會。)

It's normal to lose a game, but we need to learn something from the lost games.(輸掉比賽很正常,但我們必須從輸掉的比賽中學到一些事情。)

The archaeologists believe that this is the lost city they have been looking for all these years.(考古學家相信這就是他們這些年來一直在找的那座失落的城市。)

lost 同樣也能用來表示「迷路、失去方向的」或「迷惘、迷失的」。例如:

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

They got lost in the desert and almost died of thirst and hunger.(他們在沙漠中迷路,差點死於口渴和飢餓。)

He looks a little lost and lonely recently.(他最近看起來有些迷惘。)


loss 是「名詞」

Loss 是動詞 lose 的名詞形式,含意跟 lose 類似。例如:

There will be a number of job losses if the factory closes down.(如果工廠倒閉,將會有許多工作機會喪失。)

The young couple still couldn’t get over the loss of their son.(這對年輕夫婦仍然無法走出喪子之痛。)

The company is trying to offset the loss of two million dollars by the end of this year.(這間公司正試著在今年年底前抵銷兩百萬美元的虧損。)

loss 也有「迷惘、失落」的意思,例如:

She was at a loss as to what to do next.(她很迷惘不知道接下來要做什麼。)

He felt a great sense of loss and emptiness when his best friend left.(他最好的朋友離開時,他感受到強烈的失落及空虛感。)


本文經授權轉載自希平方-看YouTube學英文(原標題:lose、lost、loss 這幾個英文單字的用法,你分得清楚嗎?)

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