世大運閉幕》陳建仁「雙語」致詞 台語喊話「只要團結 台灣一定會走向世界」

2017-08-30 21:14

? 人氣



世大運閉幕典禮30日晚間登場,副總統陳建仁代表總統蔡英文致詞時除向選手獻上祝福及敬意, 也強調「我們一起向全世界證明,台灣的城市絕對有承辦國際大型賽會的實力。」他更特別以台語說,「只要給我們機會,台灣一定會團結。只要團結,台灣就一定會走向世界。」

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知


陳建仁也說,「我要代表蔡英文總統以及所有的台灣人民,感謝FISU(國際大學運動總會)的Matytsin主席,以及所有FISU Family成員這6年來的支持。」他也感謝辛苦的台北市長柯文哲、2017台北世大運組委會,以及各縣市協助世大運的每一位工作同仁,「謝謝你們長時間的努力付出。」


台北市柯市長,國際大學運動總會(FISU)的Oleg Matytsin主席,所有參與世大運的選手、裁判、代表團隊職員,現場的各位貴賓,電視機前,以及網路上的全體國人同胞,大家晚安,大家好!





接下來,我要代表蔡總統以及所有的台灣人民,感謝FISU的Matytsin主席,以及所有FISU Family成員這6年來的支持。我們一起向全世界證明,台灣的城市絕對有承辦國際大型賽會的實力。







再ㄧ次謝謝Oleg Matytsin主席,再ㄧ次謝謝柯市長。我們做到了。祝大家平安喜樂。謝謝大家!


Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je and FISU President Oleg Matytsin; Universiade athletes, judges, and members of each delegation; distinguished guests and viewers joining in from television sets and the internet: good evening!

On the first evening, President Tsai said she hoped the people of Taiwan would put our best foot forward for the world to see.

Well, fellow citizens, we did it.

After 12 days of intense competitions, tonight marks a perfect ending to the 2017 Taipei Universiade.

The people of Taipei were gracious hosts and enthusiastic supporters to top athletes and delegations from around the world. Tonight, at this farewell gathering, I invite the audience to give another hand to all of our guests whom have come so far to be with us. I hope their positive impressions of Taiwan will not subside.

On behalf of President Tsai and the people of Taiwan, I want to thank President Matysin and the FISU family’s support over the past six years. Together, we’ve showed the world that Taiwan’s cities are more than capable of hosting major international events.

I want to thank Mayor Ko, the Taipei Organizing Committee, and all the people who helped make the 2017 Taipei Universiade a success. Thank you for your time and your tireless efforts.

I also want to thank all the police officers who maintained safety and order at the event, as well as the 18,000 volunteers. Universiade was safe and successful due to your joint efforts. Thank you for your sacrifices. All of you are truly Universiade’s unnamed heroes and I want to extend my deepest appreciation to you on behalf of the government.

Over the past 12 days, each competition was held to the highest standard. Every athlete tested their limits. Your spirit has shown through to the world and I want to say to you all: you have our respect and our best wishes. We were honored to have had you in Taiwan, a place where you left both tears and sweat.

I also want to thank all the people of Taiwan that used actions to support Universiade and love to resolve our differences. Your enthusiasm has showed that, indeed, we were great hosts.

Finally, to everyone that has joined us here from all corners of the world, I hope you will have the chance to return to Taiwan. The 23 million free, open, and warm-hearted people of Taiwan welcome you back with open arms.

Again, thank you President Matytsin for your support and thank you Mayor Ko for a successful event. We did it. I wish everyone continued peace and happiness.

Thank you everybody!




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