
2018-07-09 10:44

? 人氣


[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

[1]Arkes, H. R., & Mellers, B. A. (2002). Do juries meet our expectations? Law and Human Behavior, 26(6), 625.

[2]Lee, H. (1990). To kill a mockingbird. Litigation, 68-58.

[3]Bornstein, B. H., & Greene, E. (2011). Jury decision making: Implications for and from psychology. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20(1), 63-67.

[4]Kalven, H., Zeisel, H., Callahan, T., & Ennis, P. (1966). The american jury: Little, Brown Boston.其實這個研究也進一步的去談到,在證據清楚的情況下,陪審團與法官的意見也比較容易一致。當然這個研究比較古老(經典),所以後續也有其他研究進行檢驗,並且認為需要考量更多因素[5]。

[5]Gastwirth, J. L., & Sinclair, M. D. (2004). A re-examination of the 1966 Kalven–Zeisel study of judge–jury agreements and disagreements and their causes. Law, Probability and Risk, 3(3-4), 169-191.

[6]Hastie, R., & Pennington, N. (2000). 13 Explanation-Based Decision Making. Judgment and decision making: An interdisciplinary reader, 212.

[7]海苔熊. (2015, February 7). 人為疏失還是機械故障?你怎麼想,決定你對鬼島的希望. PanSci 泛科學. Retrieved March 8, 2018 from pansci.asia/archives/75027

[8] Pennington, N., & Hastie, R. (1988). Explanation-based decision making: Effects of memory structure on judgment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 14(3), 521.

[9]Aronson, E.、Wilson, T. D.、Akert, R. M.(2015)。Social Psychology(余伯泉、陳舜文、危芷芬與李茂興譯)(第8版)。台灣:揚智文化。





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