
2018-05-10 13:04

? 人氣



不知道是不是只有我這樣,這幾年能夠吃到小農的有機食材比買個名牌包包還讓人滿足! 一碗有生命力的沙拉,彷彿能讓人短暫跳脫都市的壓迫感。其貌不揚卻滋味滿滿的食物總是讓人更加地崇拜大自然。即使坐擁美麗海灣與山林的加州矽谷人們近年也都流行起了養雞風潮,想要更加貼近大自然。之前看報導中的受訪者說,能就近的觀察一個生命是很放鬆不平淡的經驗。有機農場,有雞農場,光想就讓人心曠神怡。

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

Not sure if it’s because of age or influence from friends, my desire for designer bags, shoes, accessories (you get the idea!) has slowly been replaced by the desire of just eating well. Eating well in my mind has nothing to do with extravagant ingredients like Kobe beef or bluefin tuna, just a bowl of vegetables that tastes great without having to look great. Tomatoes that have the right flavors without needing extra seasoning, lettuce that bear the marks of earthworms and snails, and carrots with different hues of oranges that make you appreciate the power of mother nature. Biting into a bowl of salad like this always transports me to the countryside.

Even the blessed residents of California have the urge to be closer to nature. It’s hard to imagine that with the clear blue skies and short drives to the beautiful mountains people still have the need to escape from the city. I found out recently that the elite in Silicon Valley are now obsessed with raising chickens as a hobby. People are in love with the mindlessness of watching animals. Interviewees say the proximity to observe a life cycle is anything but banal and has a very soothing effect. I guess learning how to live in harmony with nature and all the elements of earth brings balance to your own daily life as well.


Bear (verb):在這裡做為動詞的熊有許多用法,我採用其中「呈現」的意思。To show or be marked with, to have (something) as a feature or characteristic. Often used as “He still bears the scars”. Synonyms: show. The verbs bear and bare are somewhat confusing to use. The verb bare has only one meaning: "to uncover," as in "a bear baring its teeth." All other uses of the verb are for bear: "bearing fruit," "please bear in mind," "the company will bear the costs," "can't bear the thought."

Banal (adj): 平庸的,平淡乏味的。So lacking in originality, freshness, or novelty as to be ordinary. Synonyms: cliched, commonplace, trite, flat. A movie can be boring without being banal, however, a banal movie will often lead to viewers feeling bored.



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