
2020-03-04 16:41

? 人氣

現在 Mandy 了解到了公開打卡的危險性,我們一起跟著這段對話複習單字吧!

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

story (n.) 限時動態

想信大家對 story 這個字不陌生,常見的意思為「故事」,現在大家常用的 Instagram 裡則是把它當作「限時動態」,那麼「發」限時動態,則可用 post 這個動詞。

She posted a story about her trip to Japan yesterday.

check in (phr.) 打卡

每到一間網紅餐廳或景點,不少人第一件做事情的就是在社群網站上打卡啦!那「打卡」的英文應該怎麼說呢?就是 check in,這個片語的原意是「報到」,不管是飯店報到或是機場報到都是用這個片語,然在社群網站中,它則可以當作「打卡」之意。

This restaurant is so beautiful and the food is fantastic. Let's check in on Facebook to let people know about it!

private (adj.) 私人的

private 為形容詞,表「私人的」意思,其名詞形為 privacy。在社群網站中,發文可以設成公開或是私人的狀態,「私人的」就是 private,「公開的」則為 public。把帳號設成公開或私人的狀態,可以用 set one’s account to public/private 這樣的句型,大家在發文時要特別注意隱私狀態喔!

I preferred setting my social media accounts private so people I don't know can't see them.

過不久, Mandy 想到了求職時遇到的事情…

Mandy: That reminds me of something that happened to me a few days ago.
Mandy: 你讓我想起一件在幾天前發生的事情。

Mike: What is that?
Mike: 什麼事?

Mandy: Last month, I applied for a job at a nearby coffee shop. When I sent them my CV, they didn't ask me for my social media accounts. But when I went for an interview they asked me about pictures of mine online. It made me feel a little uncomfortable.
Mandy: 上個月,我應徵附近飲料店的職缺,當我寄出履歷時,他們並沒有要求我提供我的社群媒體帳號。但是幾天前,我去那家店面試,他們卻向我問起我在社群網站上發的一些照片,這讓我不太舒服。

Mike: Really? I think that's really inappropriate.
Mike: 真的嗎?我覺得這有點不適當。

Mandy: Me too! I think… it's my life.  What I post on the social media is none of their business.
Mandy: 我也這麼覺得,而且我在社群網站上發的東西跟他們一點關係都沒有。

Mike: You should set your account to private, or someone might cyberstalk you. Or worse, you might be “canceled.”
Mike: 或許你應該把帳號鎖起來,要不然可能會在網路上被跟蹤。更糟的話你有可能會被 canceled。

Mike: Canceled? What do you mean by that?
Mike: 什麼意思?

Mandy: It's when an angry mob of people online decides they really don't like what you have posted, and so they try to ruin your life as a result.
Mandy: 網路上的暴民如果不喜歡你發的文,那麼他們就會把你的人生給毀了。

Mike: Wait, so who is getting “canceled” then?
Mike: 等等,那誰會被 canceled?

Mandy: You are! It comes from netizens trying to get the TV shows of celebrities canceled over something they said on Twitter or posted on Instagram.
Mandy: 你啊!網民會因為你在 Twitter 或 Instagram 上面說了什麼話然後抵制你讓你不能上節目。

Mike: Gees. That's a little extreme is it not?
Mike: 天啊,這還挺極端的。

Mandy: Well… those netizens are pretty dumb.
Mandy: 這個嘛… 那些網民挺蠢的。

風傳媒歡迎各界分享發聲,來稿請寄至 opinion@storm.mg
