想請老外幫忙說Can you help me其實很失禮!一定要學會的三種超有禮貌問法

2019-08-23 16:42

? 人氣

另外,若把以上句型中的 is 變成 would be,像這樣 Would it be possible if…?、Would it be okay if…?、Would it be convenient if…?,聽起來禮貌度加倍喔。舉些例子:

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

Would it be possible if we change rooms? This room smells like cigarettes everywhere, which makes me feel uncomfortable.


Would it be okay if I change seats with you? I really want to sit with my friends.


I know the check-in time of your B&B is 2 p.m., but would it be convenient for you if you let us in and leave our luggage there first at about 10 o’clock?


句型三:I was wondering if…?

wonder 是動詞「想知道」,if 在這裡則是「是否」的意思,所以 I was wondering if…? 就是「我正在想是否...」。

你有注意到嗎?這裡也是習慣用過去式動詞 was,來呈現委婉有禮的感覺喔!可以參考以下例子:

I was wondering if I could borrow your car tomorrow morning? I need to go to the airport to pick up a client, but the auto repair shop just called me and said my car won’t be ready until tomorrow afternoon.


另外,若你有需要的話,也可以把 I was wondering if…?(我正在想是否...)改成 We were wondering if…?(我們正在想是否...),像這樣:

We were wondering if you could look after our dog for a couple of days next month? We are thinking about going to Las Vegas to celebrate our 5th anniversary.



本文經授權轉載自希平方—看Youtube學英文(原標題:好人緣必備!想用英文請他人幫忙,一定要會這 3 個句型)


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