
2018-05-10 16:47

? 人氣

Extremely grateful for this opportunity to share my imaginary world with everyone. I’m Pongshu! And these animals are my friends. Other than the familiar animals— piggy, rooster, racoon and squirrel, there’s also the alpaca from South America and the flexible chameleon. The two critters with spotlights hiding in the curtains are my take on adorable monsters, the orange and green duo have good intentions and often try to help the animals (although the outcome might not always be ideal). These illustrations represent the moments of my daily life, either heart-warming, hilarious, or cynical. Drawing has been a great outlet for me, and I always feel happier after spending a few minutes lost in this alter universe. Hopefully my illustrations will have the same effect on you! Channeling you to another universe for a few minutes, and help you slow down.

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知


Aloof (adj):冷淡的,冷漠的,疏遠的。

Not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant; uninvolved and uninterested. Synonyms: distant, standoffish, detached. A funny scene from Season 3 of Friends plays around with this word when Chandler wanted to win back Janice. Monica and Rachel advised Chandler to act “aloof”, instead he acted like “a doof”.

Outlet (noun): 出口,(感情、思想、精力發洩的)出路,表現機會。

The original meaning of the word is a pipe or hole through which water or gas may escape. It has evolved into also meaning a place from which goods are sold. Here, I use the third meaning of it, which means a way of expressing one’s talent, energy, or emotions. Synonyms: release.



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