
2018-08-25 08:30

? 人氣

Peter和朋友Dan閒聊近況,Dan說 "I didn’t take to the new job." Peter以為對方是沒打算去新公司報到,但多了一個 "to" 意思就變了。

I didn’t  take to the new job.



[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知


“take the job”和“take to the job”兩者意思其實差很多。(圖/取自pixabay)
“take the job”和“take to the job”兩者意思其實差很多。(圖/取自pixabay


1. take 一般常見的意思是帶去(從a點移動到b點)或帶(某人)去(某地)

Should I take my charger to you? (我要帶我的充電器給你嗎?)

We’re taking our parents to Japan this April.(我們今年四月要帶父母去日本。)

2. take 測量

The nurse took my blood pressure.(那位護士幫我量血壓。)

3. take 口服、服用(藥/毒品)

Take this medicine four times a day.(一天請服藥四次。)

4. take

I’ll take the white cell phone.(我要買那支白色的手機。)

5. take

I hope you’re all taking notes.(我希望你們都記筆記。)

做筆記的英文可用“take notes”表示。(圖/取自pixabay)
做筆記的英文可用“take notes”表示。(圖/取自pixabay

虛:Take 心理認知

1. take 接受

We only take cash.(我們只收現金。)

Do you take sugar in your coffee?(你的咖啡加糖嗎?)

3. take 認為、理解

I took her comments as a compliment.(我把她的評論當做一種稱讚)

3. take to 喜歡

I took to the boss instantly.(我立刻就喜歡這個老闆了。)

She didn’t take to her new job, so she quit after two weeks.(她不喜歡她的新工作,所以兩周後她就辭職了。)

4. take 需要、花費(時間)

Starting your own business takes a lot of courage.(創業需要很多勇氣。)

It took us two years to finish the film.(我們花了兩年才拍完這部電影。)

5. take 舉例

Let’s take Taipei, for instance.(我們拿台北舉例。)




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