國家、信仰、情感、生死 李光耀經典語錄

2015-03-23 04:56

? 人氣

7. 關於典型的新加坡人


“You know the Singaporean. He is a hard-working, industrious, rugged individual. Or we would not have made the grade. But let us also recognise that he is a champion grumbler.” -1977

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8. 關於「努力」


“As long as you keep that, at the back of your mind, this place is what it is because of our effort. You cease to make that effort, you cease to be like this.”-2009

9. 關於治理新加坡


“You’ve got to do one of two things when you’ve got to keep people happy: either, give them something that will satisfy them, better food, better clothes, better homes; or if you can’t do that, then give them the vision of greatness to come”. —1965


“I am nobody’s stooge. I am not here to play somebody else’s game. I have a few million people’s lives to account for.” —1965

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