
2018-06-09 07:00

? 人氣


[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

像是聽到人家說 Your presentation just blew me away. Well done on that one! 如果你腦中出現一陣風把他吹走的話,一定會滿頭霧水,畢竟這裡的 blow someone away 其實不是它字面的意思,它到底是指什麼呢,趕緊看下去吧!

◎ blow someone away

Blow 有「吹」的意思,如果某件事物 blow someone away 的話,意思是指它讓某人印象很深刻或讓某人十分驚喜

Dr. Young’s speech totally blew me away. I was so glad I got to be there!(Young 博士的演講讓我印象十分深刻。我好開心我有去聽!)

◎ Greek to someone

Greek 意思是「希臘人(的)、希臘語(的)」,但如果聽到人家說 something is Greek to someone 則表示某人對某個東西一竅不通

The whole makeup thing is Greek to my boyfriend. I asked him to buy an eyebrow pencil, but he bought an eyeliner instead.(我男友對化妝品這種東西完全不熟悉。我請他買眉筆但他卻買了眼線。)

◎ be a catch

Catch 常用的意思是「接住、捕捉」,但其實 catch 還可以指「陷阱、看不到的圈套」

The house is located in a perfect area, but it’s surprisingly cheap. I wonder what the catch is.(這間房子位於一個很完美的地區,但它的價格卻很意外地便宜。我想知道陷阱在哪裡。)

◎ pull oneself together

Pull 有「拉」的意思,那把自己原本失意落魄的精神都拉起來,其實就是在說「振作、打起精神」喔。

We’re running out of time, so you really need to pull yourself together so that we can get out of here as soon as possible.(我們快沒時間了,所以你真的需要好好振作,好讓我們可以盡快離開這裡。)

◎ when pigs fly


A: Joe seems to like you a lot. Don’t you want to give him a shot and go out with him just once?(Joe 似乎非常喜歡妳。妳難道連一次都不想給他機會跟他出去嗎?)
B: I will when pigs fly. He used to be really mean to me in middle school, and that’s why I don’t want to see his face ever again.(等到豬會飛的時候我就跟他約會。他中學的時候對我超壞的,那也是為什麼我不想再看到他的臉。)

◎ not think straight

Straight 是指「直直地、筆直地」,而 not think straight 常用來表示「沒有想清楚」

I wasn’t thinking straight when I let him move in. I didn’t know that he would make such a mess.(我讓他搬進來的時候沒有想清楚。我不知道他會弄得這麼亂。)

◎ go down in flames

Flames 是「火焰」的意思,那 go down in flames 就是像它字面所指「燃燒過後隨著火焰落下來」,言下之意就是「突然又慘烈地失敗」。這個片語也出現在小天后 Taylor Swift 的歌詞〈Blank Space〉”So it's gonna be forever...Or it's gonna go down in flames” 唱著「這段戀情究竟會長長久久...還是會慘烈地收尾呢」,再舉個例子:

The famous producer’s reputation went down in flames when actresses claimed that he had sexually harassed them.(這位很有名製作人的名聲在女演員們控訴他性騷擾她們的時候,就一敗塗地了。)

◎ sell someone on something


After the talk, Jason sold me on that business idea, so I’m in as well.(討論過後,Jason 成功說服我那個生意點子了,所以我也加入。)

◎ get someone’s head around it


A: I can’t get my head around the design.

B: Me, neither. I think only true artists can appreciate it.


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