
2018-01-01 09:00

? 人氣

誰說錄音帶沒有用?Michelle Shocked用一卷錄音帶,帶動了幾十年革命與反抗的腳步;在資訊快速流通、傳播媒介更為多樣化且輕便的今天,或許,我們已不再聆聽實體的錄音帶、雷射光碟,偌大黑膠的擺設與收藏性質也重於音樂內容本身,但除了遊戲實況、購物開箱、俊男美女小貓小狗的直播之外,如何讓有意義、有情感、值得流傳的種種理念,能在這科技發達的年代快速在大眾之間傳播出去、發揮正向力量,或許正是《The Texas Campfire Tapes》為我們帶來的啟示錄。

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

Oct ‘86 “5 a.m. in Amsterdam” single released on Cooking Vinyl

Cooking Vinyl Mercury Records。(取自想想論壇)
Cooking Vinyl Mercury Records。(圖/想想論壇提供)

Cooking Vinyl / Mercury Records

It's 5 a.m. in Amsterdam
And this is how I know
Not by the voice on my portable radio
The batteries are old

It's 5 a.m. in Amsterdam
And this is how I know
Not by a digital watch
I don't even own one

It's 5 a.m. in Amsterdam
And this is how I know
Not by a traveler's clock
It wound down long ago

Is a bell ringing in my head?
I remember you once said
"It's just a trick of lightning, Michelle
Tripping over power lines"
I'm living alone now

It's 5 a.m. in Amsterdam
And this is how I know
There's a church beside a park
And it fills the dying dark

With five strokes
There it is again
Did you hear that?
Did you hear that?
Did you hear that?



本圖/文經授權轉載自想想論壇(原標題:【聽那些女孩唱歌】用一卷錄音帶催生幾十年的社運行腳:米雪兒.夏克的德州營火錄音帶(Michelle Shocked -《The Texas Campfire Tapes》))

風傳媒歡迎各界分享發聲,來稿請寄至 opinion@storm.mg
