
2015-11-27 12:00

? 人氣

53. The State party should ensure the enjoyment by all of the freedom of peaceful assembly, and that limitations on the right to freedom of assembly are in strict compliance with article 21 of the Covenant. It should further review its regulations on the use of force and ensure they are in compliance with the Covenant, and train its police officials accordingly.

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

Freedom of Association

54. The Committee is concerned about the undue restriction on the freedom of association of public officials. It is also concerned about cases of refusals to register trade unions on the ground that their membership includes dismissed employees (art. 22).
55. The State party should withdraw its reservation to Article 22 of the Covenant, and enable all parts of the labour force, including public officials, as well as employees who have been dismissed, to join trade unions. 

光化門附近 / Focus news



① 當管轄警察官署長認定依據總統令所規定的主要都市之主要道路上的集會或示威有阻礙交通之虞,為紓解交通,有權限制或禁止集會或示威等活動。
② 當集會或示威的主辦者有派專人負責維持道路交通秩序時,將不會受到①條之限制,但如果使交通癱瘓或有其疑慮,將會受到①條之限制。

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