
2018-12-29 08:30

? 人氣

1. 表現關心

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

從小處做起。你可能無法體會到他們的苦,可是表現你得關心卻能讓人感受到一絲的溫暖。一句簡單的「你好嗎?」 或是閒話家常都會讓對方得到鼓舞,為這個世界增添一點溫情。

2. Be enthusiastic

If you show enthusiasm,it means you want to get to know them or you’re really interested in what they are saying.  There would be this automatic attraction.  People read emotions and enthusiasm as a good way to b) evoke more out of the person you are talking to. 

2. 熱情一點


3. Earn trust

How to know if the person is trustworthy?  Well,it’s somewhat difficult to do so.  But showing sincerity,giving the true smile and asking questions are an indication of trust.  You want people to trust you,and then you have to at least try and make it happen.  Relate something that shares c) resemblance to what they’ve experienced to encourage.

3. 贏得信任


4. Explore alternative thoughts and ideas

Don’t be stubborn.  Be open-minded.  Why is it that they do it this way?  Or why is it that they think this way?  We’re all different in our own ways

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