
2018-05-05 07:00

? 人氣


[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

◎ What seems to be the problem?(哪裡不舒服?)


A: What seems to be the problem?(哪裡不舒服呢?)
B: I've been feeling dizzy and my limbs have been weak since yesterday.(我從昨天就開始很暈眩,且四肢無力。)

◎ Have you been feeling this way for more than three days?(你這些感覺持續了三天以上嗎?)

當醫生要確認你的症狀是否持續太久的時間,他可能會這樣問你,或是直接問:For how long have you been feeling this way? 例如:

A: For how long have you been feeling this way?(你有這些感覺多久了?)
B: I think two or three days, probably.(我想有兩天還是三天了,大概。)

◎ Do you have any other symptoms?(你有任何其他症狀嗎?)

Symptom 是指「症狀」的意思,而當你描述完你的症狀之後,醫生會這樣問你是否還有其他症狀,例如:

A: My eyes are itchy and watery, and I can barely see with my left eye.(我的眼睛很癢,還一直流眼淚,而且我左眼幾乎看不到。)
B: I see. Do you have any other symptoms?(我明白了。你有任何其他症狀嗎?)

◎ What kind of family medical history do you have?(你有哪種家族病史?)

Family medical history 是「家族病史」的意思喔,例如:

A: What kind of family medical history do you have? High blood pressure? Diabetes?(你有什麼家族病史?高血壓?糖尿病?)
B: Not that I know of.(就我所知,並沒有。)

◎ Are you allergic to any kind of medicine?(你有對哪種藥物過敏嗎?)

Be allergic to 意思是「對...過敏」,有時候醫生在開藥前會這樣問你,以確保你不會對他所開的藥過敏。例如:

A: Are you allergic to any kind of medicine?(你有對哪種藥物過敏嗎?)
B: No, I don't think so.(沒有,我想是沒有的。)

◎ I'm gonna clean and dress your wound. It might hurt a little bit.(我要清理並且包紮你的傷口。可能會有點痛。)

動詞 dress 在這裡可不是「穿上衣服、打扮」的意思喔,它是指「敷藥、包紮」。例如:

After I dress your wound, you need to keep it dry for at least three days.(在我包紮好你的傷口之後,你要讓它保持乾燥至少三天。)

◎ I'll transfer you to a hospital for a closer examination.(我會把你轉到醫院去做更詳細的檢查。)

Transfer 有「移轉」的意思,transfer someone to somewhere 意思就是「將某人轉去哪裡」,例如:

I'll transfer you to a hospital. You can see Dr. Wilson; he'll give you a thorough checkup.(我會把你轉到醫院去。你可以去看看 Wilson 醫生;他會讓你做徹底的檢查。)



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