
2021-07-26 12:28

? 人氣


home team

這個字應該很直觀吧!Home 在這裡的意思是「主場的」,所以 home team 就是「主隊」啦~例如:

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

The home team has to avoid being swept and end their three-game skid today.(主隊今天必須避免被橫掃以及終止三連敗。)

那如果想表達「在主場比賽」,英文則可以說 play at home。一樣來看個例子:

The Bucks are going to play against the Suns at home for the rest of the week.(公鹿隊這週剩下的幾天將在主場迎戰太陽隊。)

away team

那相反地,away 則表示「客場的」,away team 就是指「客隊」,play away 為「打客場賽」。例如:

There are still fans cheering for the away team in the outfield seats.(在外野的座位上,客隊仍然有它的粉絲在加油打氣。)

Most teams have a lower winning percentage while playing away.(大部分的隊伍在客場的勝率都比較低。)

play on the road


Playing on the road can be very tough. Players need to travel from one place to another overnight, and play at stadiums that they are not familiar with.(打客場賽很辛苦。球員必須連夜舟車勞頓,還要在不熟悉的球場出賽。)


exhibition game

Exhibition 是「展覽、展示」的意思,那在運動場上,exhibition game 是指「熱身賽」,通常會在正常賽季開打前進行,讓選手暖身,教練也能評估球員狀況。來看幾個例句:

Exhibition games prepare players for the upcoming season.(熱身賽讓球員準備好面對即將到來的賽季。)

Unfortunately, the player suffered a knee injury in the first exhibition game. That is, he will miss the entire regular season.(不幸的是,該名選手在第一場熱身賽膝蓋就受傷了。也就是說,他整季都將報銷了。)

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