
2017-07-19 14:59

? 人氣

據為己有或是刻意毀損,是作者眼裡這種「共享」單車失敗最主要的原因。她說道:「A young man opened it and I asked nicely if I could rent the bike. He looked surprised and said, no, it was his, and anyway, he needed it later ... He rolled his eyes and told me I would be trespassing if I dared try to fetch it.」 ,「There are Mobikes in the canal, Mobikes in bins and I am fed up with following the app to a residential street where there is clearly a Mobike stashed in someone’s garden.」據為己有,將「公共運具(以Mobike公司的觀點)」「私有化」是一大隱憂。英國的Mobike營運商告訴作者,這種單車的設計邏輯是「無堅不摧」,至少可以四年不用維修。作者恐怕不知道的是,這種單車是以不用運維作為設計的出發點,而所謂的單車GPS僅是透過使用者租借時的手機定位上傳。因此APP上看見,不代表單車真正在那裡,是很能夠預見的事情。她憤怒的表示:「On Thursday, none of the eight bikes showing on the app as being near my house were actually there.」

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最後,作者也以類似臺灣某些科技新創媒體的論調作結:「Although Pyre insists that Mobike is committed to Manchester and expects the idiocy to calm down once the novelty wears off, the truth is it is just a six-month trial. You could hardly blame the Chinese if, at the end of the pilot, they decided to wheel any remaining bikes to a better behaved city. 」簡單來說,就是人民沒品趕走創新。

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